What's new with Accounts Payable on the web
Presented by Allison Belisle
Accounts payable comes to the web in v17! Join Allison as she takes you through all of the advances that you’ll be able to take advantage of including improvements to invoice entry, importing invoices from a spreadsheet, paying invoices, check printing without the print queue, Quick Checks, and ACH processing. Come see these new features and more, all in live action!

Managing routing in v17
Presented by Aurie Ben-Ezri-Ravin
Wouldn’t it be great if you could easily switch to a different sales and delivery schedule on holiday weeks? How about the ability to plan and upload full reroutes on your own schedule? Join Aurie as she shows you how to do just that and more! She’ll review the latest routing features in the upcoming v17 Release of Beverage on the web including how to create full reroutes and activate them when ready, create temporary overrides, review upcoming routing with overrides highlighted, and use mapping tools for routing—all while using the latest grid enhancements.

Top 10 tips for easy wins
Presented by Coleen Keith & Jeremy Margi
A perennial favorite, our top 10 tips segment is back again to show you a mix of new and underutilized procedures to help improve your operations in the office, in the warehouse and in the trade. We’ll cover some of our staff favorites that everyone should know about, including the Order Details grid, volume based allocation options, sales tools for promoting new items, inventory control tools, accounts receivable tips, and more.

What's happening in Retail Price Communication
Presented by Jackie Nutter
Retail Price Communication (RPC) is VIP’s price reporting tool that streamlines the task of communicating pricing to retailers by using information from Beverage and putting it into the spreadsheet format required by each retailer. In this session, you’ll hear all about what’s been happening with RPC over the past year. We’ll cover the basics, the newest enhancements, and show you how this flexible and powerful tool continues to save distributors and bottlers time and money.

Taking RPC to the next level

Presented by Jackie Nutter and Murphy USA

How’d you like to be able to have pricing automatically sent directly to your retailers through RPC? In this session, you’ll hear from Murphy USA who we’re working with on a pilot program to do exactly that! When complete, distributors that use RPC and service participating retailers will be able to set up automated price reporting jobs. These jobs will align with the retailers file format and scheduling requirements to greatly simplify the price reporting process.


Optimize your supply chain with OrderStream
Presented by Nick Kyratzis
Learn how VIP’s new forecasting and order generation tool, OrderStream, can save you time and create efficiencies in your procurement practices. See how the web unlocks the flexibility and simplifies the forecasting and ordering process. With OrderStream you’ll be able to find the right balance to always have the right amount of product in the right place at the right time.

Best practices for keeping inventory in control
Presented by Adam Lavigne and Evan Roskilly
Inventory is valuable. In the warehouse, you need to accurately and efficiently keep track of inventory, and your finance team needs to accurately value your inventory. This session covers the best practices for both your warehouse and finance teams to manage your inventory to ensure accurate tracking and reporting. Adam will walk through the best ways to use controls in the warehouse—from handling driver over/shorts to receiving—and Evan will provide an understanding of how these controls affect your financials.

Life cycle of a product in the warehouse
Presented by Justin Tougas
The warehouse is full of many moving parts. Learn how you can manage this complexity and become more efficient. This session provides an overview of all of the VIP WMS offerings by following the life cycle of a product throughout the warehouse. Whether you want to gain a broad understanding of the VIP WMS tools or you are looking to leverage advanced features, this session is for you.

Simplify ordering from craft brewers
Presented by Bud Dunn (GP Analytics)
The GP Analytics Craft Portal is a centralized ordering platform for brewers that is powered by your SRS reported sales data. The simplicity of a single ordering portal for your suppliers makes it easier on your forecasting and ordering team. Bud Dunn from GP Analytics will present case studies of suppliers using this scalable ordering portal and how VIP distributors are benefitting from these efficiencies. You’ll also hear how to encourage your regional craft brewers to implement this user friendly portal. Please note that VIP has partnered with GP Analytics and is encouraging all craft brewers to install the Craft Portal.

Optimizing picking in the warehouse
Presented by Grace Samsonow
Are you confident that you’re employing the best picking strategy for your organization? In this session, you’ll learn some recommended picking best practices including how the layout of your warehouse can help maximize efficiency, how to leverage auto assignments, how to increase picker accountability using actionable insights gained from key iDIG reports, and more.


Using Targets and Pay for Performance in iDIG
Presented by Linda Little
Looking to build a winning sales strategy? As we head into 2022, now is a great time to start using iDIG to track your sales performance. Linda will take you through using Targets and Pay for Performance to give your sales team real-time visibility into their performance and to create incentives to help you reach your sales goals.

VIP tools to better support your retailers
Presented by Katie Choquette
Have your operations jumped to the 21st century, but your retailers are still living in the past? Would your sales reps like to gain more time in their day? Join Katie as she walks you through the many enhancements VIP has brought to Retailer Portal, VIPPAY, and POS. When you take advantage of these tools you can provide your retailers with the independence they need to be self-sufficient, which in turn helps you to gain efficiencies and save time.

Secrets to sales success
Presented by Carly West
Want to learn the secrets of some of the most successful sales teams out there and how they are using the VIP tools at their fingertips like the Sales app, iDIG, and Brand Builder to achieve success in the marketplace? In this session, you’ll hear stories directly from sales reps that are employing the most innovative techniques to help their retailers grow their businesses when they’re in the trade. If you have secrets to share and want to win a trip to Vermont, click here for more details.

iDIG tips & tricks
Presented by Julie Dutra
Do you know the ins and outs of iDIG, but want to expand your reporting skills? Julie will share tips for setting up targets, utilizing operations dimensions in the Custom Columns report, formatting your reporting for specified analysis, and more. With these tips up your sleeve, you’ll be an iDIG wiz in no time!

What’s new in iDIG and KARMA?
Presented by Mike Sheffield
Check out the latest enhancements to iDIG and KARMA and preview what’s coming. Mike will show you many of these new enhancements including the exciting new KARMA mobile interface, delegating team tasks, inventory depletion reports, delivery notifications, and more. Learn more about the newest tools to identify sales opportunities and improve efficiencies with real-time information.

KARMA: Beyond surveys 
Presented by Stephen Shaw
Do you want to take your customer relations to the next level? When you take advantage of KARMA’s integration across Beverage, mobile, and iDIG, you can improve your account management and organize your sales priorities. Join Stephen as he shows you how to get the most out of KARMA using Contacts, Calendar, and Custom Attributes.


Developing a cybersecurity awareness training program

Presented by GreyCastle Security

The strongest endpoint protection, encryption, and firewalls might make you think your company is safe, but your staff’s behavior is just as important, if not more! 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error, not by technology failures. In this session presented by GreyCastle Security, you’ll learn how to train your employees on cybersecurity best practices. We’ll also share some tips specific to VIP applications.

Bottlers Discussion Group
Moderated by Brad Currier and Julian Reynolds

Anheuser-Busch Discussion Group
Moderated by representatives from Anheuser-Busch

Molson Coors Discussion Group

Moderated by representatives from Molson Coors